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Call for applications 2025

The call is closed. Grant recipients will be announced on 11th April, 2025. Successful applicants will be personally notified of the decision via e-mail.

The Foundation hereby announces a new application period for grants running from 1 to 31 January 2024.

The Finnish Parkinson Foundation awards grants for scientific research into Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders.

Grants will be awarded for the following purposes:

  1. scientific research, primarily research towards a doctoral thesis;
  2. travel grants for participation in a scientific congress (poster or oral presentation required);
  3. project grants for more long-term postgraduate studies at a foreign centre specialising in research into movement disorders.

In 2025, there will also be a special grant application process aimed at more senior researchers. The total funding available is up to 50,000 euros, awarded over a three-year period, with the second and third years being optional. Decisions regarding the optional years will be made based on the reporting of the research, with the criteria being the quality and results of the research.

As a rule, grants are awarded as tax-exempt working grants allowing for recipients to cover a leave of absence from other employment.

Each grant recipient is required to report on the use of the grant to the Foundation within 3 months of the end of the grant period or the trip taken.

The application is completely electronic, requiring applicants to fill out the application form on the Foundation’s website.

The application form will become available on 1 January 2025 at the latest at 12 a.m. and will be removed on 31 January 2025 at 11 p.m.

The Foundation does not accept paper applications by mail except in exceptional cases. An electronic application requires a digital signature, and the applicants must confirm their identities either with online banking access codes or MobileIDs.

Online grant application forms can be found here: